Although I have too much to do it’s in the nick of time to try some stuff with HTML5.

You should all have heard about HTML5, next generation of web ;) I still saw a lot of new features, some are still not supported in many browsers but all in all I’m looking forward.

Here I played a little bit with the canvas stuff and created a binary clock:

Wasn’t that difficult, just created an HTML element of type canvas with enough space in it to draw the clock:

<canvas id="clock" width="250" height="100"></canvas>

and via JavaScript I draw the clock in it:

/* JS binary clock by Martin Scharm <> */
function init()
function draw (ctx, x, y, stroke)
	ctx.arc(x, y, 9, 0, Math.PI*2,true);
	if (stroke) ctx.stroke();
	else ctx.fill ();
function clock ()
	var canvas = document.getElementById("clock");  
	if (canvas.getContext)
		var offset = 60;
		var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");;
		var now = new Date();
		var sec = now.getSeconds();  
		var min = now.getMinutes(); 
		var hr  = now.getHours(); 
		for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
			for (var x = 0; x < 2; x++)
				for (var y = 0; y < 3; y++)
					draw (ctx, i*offset + x*20 + 20, y*20 + 20, true);
				for (var x = 1; x < 3; x++)
					for (var y = 2; y < 4; y++)
						ctx.arc(x * offset, y * 20, 4, 0, Math.PI*2,true);
						ctx.fill ();
					for (var x = 0; x < 2; x++)
						for (var y = 0; y < 3; y++)
							if (sec & Math.pow (2, (1 - x) * 3 + 2 - y)) draw (ctx, 2*offset + x*20 + 20, y*20 + 20, false);
							if (min & Math.pow (2, (1 - x) * 3 + 2 - y)) draw (ctx, 1*offset + x*20 + 20, y*20 + 20, false);
							if (hr & Math.pow (2, (1 - x) * 3 + 2 - y)) draw (ctx, x*20 + 20, y*20 + 20, false);
						ctx.fillText(hr + ":" + min + ":" + sec, 70, 80);

After wards just called init (); , that calls clock(); once a second to draw the clock. Please tell me whether it works in your browser ;)

If anybody is interested, here is the code: html5_clock. If you also want to deal with it, Mozilla has a good tutorial.

I hope this new age of web will delete all the flash trash out there!

Download: Javascript: html5_clock.js (Please take a look at the man-page. Browse bugs and feature requests.)

Martin Scharm

stuff. just for the records.

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1 comment

Anon | Permalink |


Works very well in Firefox 5.0.1!

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